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Traincontroller 27: Combi Groups and Train Descriptions

One of the logic functions that is available in TC Gold for the Flagman trigger,  is the so called ‘Combi Group’. Inside a Combi we can place Blocks and/or Schedules.

The Combi becomes TRUE when a train is on one of the Blocks that is listed inside it. If a Schedule is also specified, then the Combi is TRUE when there is a train on one of the listed Blocks AND it is on one of the listed Schedules.

In stead of monitoring all trains, we can limit the Combi to only certain trains. This is done via the Train button next to the logic function dropdown, which shows only when we selected a Combi.

Actually we can do more than only use trains, we can use so called Train Descriptions. A Train Description can contain one or more trains, one or more wagons and one or more properties like speed or weight. This makes it possible to really focus the Flagman Combi group on a very specific train with very specific properties.

The video shows how the Combi Groups work in general and then how to create the Flagman that monitors if a certain train is driving. In the next video we’re going to use these ‘train driving’ Flagman to update our Train counter.

About RudyB



4 thoughts on “Traincontroller 27: Combi Groups and Train Descriptions

  1. Hi Rudy,

    I like your videos. They are very interesting. One question with respect to counting trains driving: Is there a possibility to count the trains, too, if they are not in a block, but between two blocks.



    Posted by Peter | October 6, 2019, 12:25
  2. i don’t see the flagman turn green at 10:54 when the train is moving in the block. is that an error ?


    Posted by John Zajdler | January 4, 2016, 02:11

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